Community Members Find Kittens in Flower Pot and Won’t Stop Looking Until They Find the Mother Cat

Community members found kittens huddled in a flower pot and wouldn’t stop looking until they found the mother cat.


The tiny cries of kittens led concerned members of the community to a flower pot. To their astonishment, four newborn kittens were huddled among tattered leaves on potting soil.

The flower pot left the kittens exposed to the elements. They bunched together, trying to stay warm. The finders looked around for the mother cat, a stray, and caught sight of her in the distance.

With a rescue request posted online, a team of volunteers sprang into action.

Four newborn kittens were found in a flower potChatonsOrphelinsMontreal

“Upon arriving at the scene, the mother cat had moved the babies to a neighboring yard, where they could be reached under the porch,” Celine of Chatons Orphelins Montreal shared.

They set up a humane trap and placed it near the porch. Within hours of waiting, the pangs of hunger drove the mother cat into the trap.

The cat mom was spottedChatonsOrphelinsMontreal

With the cat secured, they scooped up the litter of kittens and brought the feline family of five to Chatons Orphelins Montreal, where a new beginning awaited them.

A cozy and quiet room was prepared for them, but Hadora, the mama cat, withdrew into a corner. She didn’t seem to know the comfort of a home as everything looked foreign to her.

She learned to trust with the help of her foster momChatonsOrphelinsMontreal

While Hadora refused to eat, her heart was beating out of her chest. Her foster mom sat with her, offering words of encouragement to reassure her that she was safe. She put some food on her finger for the cat to taste, hoping she’d take it.

Hadora was reluctant at first. But driven by hunger, she mustered the courage to lap up the food. “After nearly 24 hours, she began eating from her foster mom’s hand, and a connection was built.”


Her posture relaxed, and the wariness in her eyes melted away. Hadora slow-blinked at her foster mom as a sign of trust and allowed her to handle and weigh her kittens.

“The foster mom watched the kittens every hour to ensure they were doing well. When some of them lost weight or stopped eating, she supplemented them with a bottle until they were strong enough to nurse again.”


Hadora spends most of her time nestled with her precious four, rarely leaving their side. She switches on her purr engine the second her foster mom enters the room and greets her with sweet, gentle face rubs.

At one week old today, the kittens’ eyes are starting to open. Their curiosity will soon awaken with the desire to discover the world around them.


“There are three boys and one girl, Zuko (black), Bumi (gray tabby), Mako (brown tabby), and Azula (brown tabby). Zuko was the first to open his eyes, and Mako followed suit.”

With their newfound energy, the kittens wiggle, shuffle, and roll around the nest, sniffing all the scents around them.


Hadora has taken more time to explore her surroundings, fascinated by everything she has discovered. She’s so pleased to have a roof over her head and a kind human to cater to her needs.

“The kittens are doing very well, and they are gaining weight every day. Mama Hadora takes wonderful care of them.”


Through the kindness of many people, the family of five is thriving in their new indoor life, where love, food, and care abound.


Share this story with your friends. More on the cat family and Chatons Orphelins Montreal on Instagram and Facebook.

Related story: Kitten Named ‘Macaroni’ Has Many Toes, Finds Kind Person to Help Him So He Can Run Around Like Other Kittens

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