Community Brought Stray Cat Inside from Harsh Weather and Never Stopped Looking for His Best Friend

A community brought a stray cat inside from harsh weather and never stopped looking for his best friend.


Last month, two long-haired cats (one orange and white and the other gray) were spotted outside in the snow, battling the harsh weather.

The finder reached out to social media, rallying help to save the pair of weary souls from the bitter cold. The two followed each other everywhere, scrounging for food and warm shelter. Their faces were covered in cuts and scars.

Members of the rescue community sprang into action and set up humane traps in the area, trying to bring both to safety.

They were spotted outside in the snowExploitsValleySPCA

With diligent efforts, they secured the orange and white cat, but his companion, the gray cat, evaded the trap and was nowhere to be found despite hours of waiting and searching.

Rescuers brought the orange and white cat to Exploits Valley SPCA while they continued their mission to find his feline friend. “He was rescued from living outside for the past two years. He arrived very nervous, beat up, and totally matted,” the SPCA shared.

He was very nervous when he arrived at the shelterExploitsValleySPCA

The cat was scared and huddled in a corner, keeping his head low. Given his majestic frame and everything he’d gone through, the shelter wanted to give him a strong name. With the help of the community, they lovingly named him Victor.

A few hard years outdoors had left Victor wary and a bit untrusting. Surrounded by comfort, delicious food, and gentle words, he began to warm up to people.


When he tasted his first treat, his ears perked up, and he lifted his head to reach for more. After downing a tube, he licked his mouth clean, and the fear in his eyes vanished.

“Although he arrived terrified, he was coming out of his shell quickly with love and gentle touch.”


While Victor was recovering and adjusting at the shelter, his best friend was yet to be found, and the search continued.

In about a week, Victor went from being rough around the edges, scared, dirty, and matted to being clean, happy, and confident. He was fully vetted, neutered, and even got a makeover at the vet’s office.


The veterinary staff shaved off the knotted fur on his belly and cleaned and treated his wounds and cuts.

“By the look on his face, he feels like a whole new man. He loves attention and will stand on his back legs to give you a head bump. He loves sleeping, eating, and being fawned over.”

Victor has made quite a transformationExploitsValleySPCA

After 28 days of unyielding determination, their long search finally paid off. “Victor was rescued four weeks ago and has had such a transformation. The only thing missing was his sweet best friend.”

“Today, that changed.”

Rescuers never stopped looking for Victor’s best friendExploitsValleySPCA

Marilyn, an animal rescuer, and many concerned members of the community unified their efforts to save Victor’s friend, the beautiful gray cat now named Hugo.

Hugo is resting in a comfy, warm bed with a full belly after being vetted and treated. He’s still dirty and matted, but soon, he will receive the royal spa treatment as Victor did. “He’s feeling a little nervous, but he’s already easy to handle. Life is about to get good.”

After 28 days, they found the gray cat lovingly named HugoExploitsValleySPCA

Victor and Hugo can both sleep tight with full bellies tonight, and soon, they will be running around together, this time, in comfort and warmth.

“The before and after we’ve all been waiting for.”


Share this story with your friends. More on Victor and Hugo and Exploits Valley SPCA on Facebook and their YouTube Channel.

Related story: Cat Just Skin and Bones Walks Up to People Asking for Help, in a Month She Makes Incredible Transformation

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