Can Dogs Eat Strawberries? Yes, But Don’t Get Too Crazy

Summer doesn’t truly feel complete without indulging in a luscious, crimson strawberry, and of course, we often want to extend that delight to our beloved furry companions. But can dogs safely enjoy strawberries? Thankfully, the answer is affirmative! However, as with any delicious treat, it’s crucial to adhere to certain precautions to safeguard your dog’s well-being. Tina Wismer, DVM, MS, DABVT, DABT, who serves as the senior director at the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center, offers essential safety guidelines to keep in mind before offering your dog this beloved summer fruit.

Can Dogs Have Strawberries?

Certainly, here’s a paraphrased version of the paragraph:

Certainly, dogs can consume strawberries, and sometimes they make for a delightful combination. According to Wismer, they pose no harm, and numerous dogs relish them as treats. However, it’s essential to remain vigilant about any potential contaminants they may harbor.

Since many farmers employ pesticide treatments during strawberry cultivation, it’s advisable to thoroughly wash your berries before sharing them with your dog (or indulging in them yourself). Simply rinsing them with a good fruit and vegetable rinse in the sink should suffice.

If you cultivate strawberries at home, it’s best to refrain from using pesticides or herbicides, or alternatively, limit your dog’s access to that specific area of your garden to prevent their exposure to potentially hazardous chemicals.

closeup photo of dog's nose with strawberry

How Much Strawberries Can a Dog Eat?

Wismer recommends offering dogs strawberries in moderation due to their potential to cause digestive issues. The high sugar content in strawberries may lead to upset stomach and diarrhea in some dogs. It’s advisable to begin by offering one or two small berries and observing your dog for several hours to ensure their digestive system tolerates them well. Just like any other treat, Wismer suggests limiting strawberry consumption to no more than 10 percent of your pet’s total caloric intake to maintain their overall health and well-being.

Can dogs eat strawberries? – Dr. Dobias Natural Healing

Are Strawberries Good for Dogs?


Indeed, when consumed appropriately, strawberries offer several health advantages. Aside from their delicious taste, they are rich in fiber and vitamins which contribute to enhancing your pet’s well-being. The omega-3 present in strawberries aids in maintaining your dog’s skin and fur health, while vitamins C, B1, B6, and K play roles in fortifying the immune system, metabolism, and promoting healthy blood clotting.

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