A Breakthrough Canine Cancer Vaccine Offers Hope for a Cancer-Free Future

A new vaccine that can significantly reduce the risk of cancer in dogs is showing promise in clinical trials. Cancer is the leading cause of death in senior dogs,1 and most of us have watched a beloved dog go through it. The new vaccine offers hope for a cancer-free future for our canine companions.

, PhD, CEO of Calviri, started creating a cancer vaccine about 15 years ago. “We had some discoveries, and we thought we had a path to do such a thing, but everyone thought it was impossible. They still do, mostly,” Johnston tells Daily Paws.

His determination led to successful studies in mice, proving that a cancer prevention vaccine is feasible. After years of research and development, a vaccine was created and clinical trials began. The most current trial, , is underway, and pet parents can enroll their dogs if they meet the qualifications.new canine cancer vaccine

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