Meet the Bracco Italiano, the 200th Breed Recognized by the American Kennel Club

The Bracco Italiano has a long history dating back centuries, and it recently gained recognition from the American Kennel Club, becoming the 200th breed to do so. This recognition allows Bracchi to participate in various AKC-sanctioned events such as dog shows and canine sports.

Originating from Italy, this muscular hunting dog now competes in the Sporting Group at conformation dog shows. According to Gina DiNardo, AKC Executive Secretary, the Bracco Italiano is known for its strength, activity, and sturdiness, making it an ideal companion for active families who can provide the necessary love and attention.

bracco italiano dog breed now recognized by AKC

In 2022, the Bracco Italiano became the third breed to earn AKC recognition, following the tiny Russian toy and the herding mudi, which were recognized in January. The Bracco Italiano, often referred to as “the oldest European pointer,” has its roots dating back to the fourth or fifth century BC and arrived in the United States in the 1990s, where it serves as a gun dog for hunters.

Beyond hunting, some Bracchi also excel in agility competitions. To earn AKC recognition, breeds like the Bracco Italiano must meet specific criteria, including demonstrating an active interest and following in the United States, having an established breed club, and maintaining a sufficient population spread across the country. Breeds awaiting AKC recognition are typically included in the organization’s Foundation Stock Service.

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