Maine Deputy Rescues Senior Dog Who Almost Froze to Death in a Roadside Ditch

After almost freezing to death, a senior dog has reunited with her owner thanks to the actions of a sheriff’s deputy in Maine.

Early Saturday morning, Deputy Mark Anderson heard reports of a dog laying in the road in Arrowsic, Maine. When he arrived on the scene, he didn’t see anything right away, but after some more searching, he discovered the pup in a ditch. The female dog seemed “almost frozen to death,” according to a Facebook post from the Sagadahoc County Sheriff’s Office. It was a frigid morning, with the temperature in the single digits at the time of rescue.

Anderson noticed there seemed to be claw marks on the ditch, presumably from the dog trying her best to climb out before her paws got too cold and she gave up. Anderson was able to carry the dog from the ditch and transport her to the sheriff’s office’s dispatch center in Bath—where on-duty dispatchers cared for the pup.

a white and black dog sleeps under blankets after being rescued from a ditch by a deputy in maine

The dispatchers gave the good girl blankets and a portable heater to give her some much-needed warmth. Then she got to eat.

“They fixed her a plate of food and once she warmed up and stopped shivering, she ate the plate clean,” the Facebook post said.

After he dropped off the dog, Anderson returned to the area where he found her, lost dog posters in hand, to try and find her owner. He began knocking on doors in the area and quickly located the pup’s owner.

Anderson learned the dog was at least 14 years old and had escaped around 9 p.m. the night before. The dog’s elderly owner was understandably very worried when her dog didn’t return home that night. She stayed awake all night waiting for her pup.

The owner and the dog have since reunited—a happy ending thanks to Anderson’s rescue efforts.

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