13 Ways to Know Your Dog Is Feeling Happy

Do these signs always mean your dog is happy?

While these signs, including a wagged tail, zoomies, and sleeping, mostly indicate dog happiness, sometimes they can reveal something deeper.

“Happy dogs tend to wag with the tail in a neutral position, which can vary by breed,” she says. Look for “wide, loose swings and very little muscle tension,” explains certified dog trainer and behavior consultant.

Meanwhile, zoomies might signal your dog is . Unfortunately, it can be tricky to tell the difference between a happy zoomie and a stressed zoomie. To help figure things out, Malawey recommends looking at other elements of your dog’s body language, including facial expression, muscle tension, and interaction with you.

Lastly, if your dog sleeps too much (outside the ), Malawey says it might indicate an underlying health condition, stress, or anxiety.

Is “Bad Behavior” a Sign of an Unhappy Dog?

, destroying toys, and  — all indicate your  right? Malawey says not so fast. While these behaviors sometimes signal dog discomfort or unhappiness, she explains that they encompass normal, happy dog behaviors.

Once again, differentiating comes down to analyzing the context and broader situation. Malaway suggests asking yourself questions like: “Are they in a situation that’s causing them discomfort?” and “What is the rest of their body saying?”

8 Signs Your Dog May Be Stressed or Unhappy

While we all want our pups to be happy, sometimes that isn’t the case. Here are some telltale signs of an unhappy dog to be on the lookout for.

Peeing and pooping inside the house
Cowering or hiding
 or eating too much
Loss of interest in exercise or playtime

An old woman cuddling with her happy dog


How To Make Your Dog Even Happier

Pet parents want nothing more than to make their dogs happy. It’s the best way to give your pup a great life! Here’s a quick checklist for how to make your pup feel great!

— and who would say no to that?
Remember that moods can vary. Human moods and emotions can quickly shift — the same goes for our dogs. It would be unreasonable to expect your canine pal to be happy all of the time! The best thing you can do is watch for body language cues or changes in behavior that might indicate something’s up.

Remember Dogs Show Emotions Through Body Language

Although not *quite* at the same level as a human adult, dogs can experience emotions in a similar way to us. They can feel happiness, anger, and fear.

Studies have even found that, when petted,  – just like humans’ levels rise when petting their pup.

However, while you might be able to say “I love you” or These cues are usually pretty easy to read!

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