Is My Dog Mad At Me?

You’ve just come home after a long day. But instead of meeting you at the door with the usual wet kisses and tail wags, your dog stays curled up in their favorite chair, watching you. What gives? Is your dog mad at you?

While experts know that dogs experience a full range of primary mammalian emotions, including anger, research into secondary emotions in dogs remains relatively young, says a bioethicist and author.

To put it simply, experts don’t fully understand how dogs might experience and express more complex emotions like resentment.

Of course, dogs can certainly get angry! That said, the signs you might interpret as them being mad at you—like growling, ignoring you, or not wanting to be pet—may actually mean they’re responding to a change in their environment.

Here’s how to recognize signs of irritation or distress in your dog, plus what you can do to help.

3 Signs Your Dog Isn’t Happy

Changes in your dog’s or behavior can mean something’s wrong. Still, your dog may not necessarily be mad at you.

Here are some signs to pay attention to and a few explanations for these behaviors.

Body language

If you notice your dog licking their lips,excessively, and averting their gaze (sometimes called “) it might seem like they’re annoyed.

These expressions usually suggest , however, and dogs may use them in response to a stressful situation. You can try to calm an anxious pup by offering them a treat, speaking calmly, and giving them some space.


and they don’t always mean the same thing! Growling is one noise that can have a range of meanings.

For instance could mean your dog wants you to back off and give them some space, particularly if  you’ve followed them into another room after they left. This doesn’t automatically mean they’re angry—just that they want some time on their own.

But dogs also growl when they’re happy and . It’s important to pay attention to other clues in their behavior to understand what they’re trying to communicate.

Dog rests quietly on blanket in chair

Behavior changes

Pierce notes that pet parents should be cautious when assigning a particular emotion to their dogs, as it’s not always possible to interpret a dog’s feelings

Some changes in behavior to pay attention to, and their possible causes:

They’re ignoring you: If your dog seems distant or less interested in the usual pets and cuddles, they could be tired or not feeling well. This behavior change could also be a which can affect dogs after a major life change—like the loss of a pet parent or other pet or the addition of a new family member.
They’re less affectionate: Does your dog usually snuggle and but suddenly seem distant? They could have an illness or injury. Dogs will often try to hide discomfort, so if they suddenly don’t seem like themselves, it’s worth checking them out or contacting your vet.
They’re hiding: Dogs often hide when they’re nervous or afraid of something. You’ve probably even noticed this behavior during  or a particularly noisy storm—or when you pull out the vacuum cleaner. If your dog hides a lot, you may want to keep track of other possible
Peeing in the house: Dogs don’t pee in the house to spite you or because they want to annoy you. This behavior also happens due to  Dogs are more likely to urinate indoors when coping with a sudden life change, like another pet, or when dealing with separation anxiety.
Destructive chewing: 

When To Ask A Vet About Your Dog’s Anger

Any sudden changes in your dog’s behavior are cause for concern—especially because many of the behaviors people interpret as anger or annoyance are 

Aggression toward people or other pets
Snapping or
Isolating themselves
Not wanting to play

If you notice any of these behaviors, it’s best to contact your vet right away. They can check your dog’s health and help find the source of their distress.

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