Stubborn Husky pleads his defense after destroying brother’s toy

Stubborn Husky pleads his defense after destroying brother’s toy

Zeus the Stubborn Husky chewed up his brother’s toy when no one was looking! He had the cone on from when he was recovering from a ruptured anal gland (ouch!). Zeus rarely “de-stuffs toys” in his old age, but maybe he was jealous of Kaden. The Roger Rabbit toy is one of Kaden’s favorites! Follow Zeus on Facebook and IG!

Zeus was losing weight and he went to the vet at the end of August 2020. He had an ultrasound today which discovered a large tumor (likely non-cancerous, but large and serious) on his liver, and pushing on his stomach. He will have a surgical consult Tuesday 9/8/20 followed by surgery (hopefully) that same day.

Zeus the Stubborn Husky chewed up his brother’s toy when no one was looking! He had the cone on from when he was recovering from a ruptured anal gland (ouch!). Zeus rarely “de-stuffs toys” in his old age, but maybe he was jealous of Kaden. The Roger Rabbit toy is one of Kaden’s favorites! Follow Zeus on Facebook and IG!

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