FOCUS ON…How to​ stress less : These clever tips will help you relax in just a few minutes

FOCUS ON…How to​ stress less :
These clever tips will help you relax in just a few minutes

1 Flash a smile Simple, but it works. Smiling triggers a chemical reaction in your brain, releasing mood-boosting hormones such as dopamine and serotonin. In fact, a smile helps reduce the body’s response to stress, including lowering your heart rate, found researchers at the University of Kansas. ‘Even a forced smile can trick our brain into​ happiness,’ says Harley Street behavioural expert Professor Margareta James.

2 Rub your hands together Or stroke your arms. ‘These moves involving touch all trigger delta waves in the
brain, which send the message that everything is OK,’ says Professor James. Reinforce the soothing message
with positive affirmations, such as ‘I feel safe, peaceful and calm.’.

3 Make sure to stretch Yoga is not only good for helping your body unwind, but also your mind. Try this yoga
move to calm your breathing and ease​ tight muscles.​‘A gentle​ spinal twist is ideal for releasing tension,’ says yoga expert Sue Fuller. ‘You can perform this posture while lying on your bed, with your arms out to the side and your knees bent. ‘Allow your knees to fall to the right and tilt your head to the left. Hold for five breaths through your nose and then repeat on the other side.

4 Be thankful Try writing a gratitude journal. ‘It can increase long-term happiness by over 10%,’ says sychologist Charlotte Armitage. You don’t have to write reams – just jot down a few words representing the things you’re grateful for at the end of each day. It shifts your focus away from the bad and on to the good.

5 Nibble on nuts They’ll give you a hit of protein – essential for blood sugar balance. ‘If your blood-sugar levels are all over the place, metabolically you’ll be out of balance emotionally and physically,’
explains clinical nutritionist Suzie Sawyer. In addition to quick protein snacks, plan to have protein
at every meal. ‘Think eggs, meat, fish, beans, nuts and dairy produce,’ adds Suzie.

6 Step into the light Natural light helps to lift our mood and reset our natural body clock so we sleep better. A walk is great if you have time, but just stepping out into the garden is good. And if you can’t get outside, sit by a window or in the part of your home that has the most natural light.

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