Can Dogs Fall In Love With Other Dogs?

You live for your pup’s kisses, cuddles, and play sessions. But can dogs share the love with their fellow pups?  Yes, dogs can fall in love, says , a veterinarian with Etowah Veterinary Hospital. While we can’t ask our pups to wax poetic about their feelings, we can turn to science for a clue into how their brains work.

A 2014 study found that . Interestingly though, researchers found that the dogs’ oxytocin levels didn’t rise from initiating interactions – they rose when their fellow dogs reciprocated. In other words, your pup loves it when their friends love them back!

If you’re curious to learn more about puppy love, read on to discover signs that your dog loves their friends. Plus, discover tips on fostering loving relationships between dogs.

4 Signs Your Dog Loves Another Dog

“Dogs cannot communicate verbally, but they use to express their emotions,” Dr. Adams says. She explains that a dog’s  is similar to that of a human, who prefers physical touch and acts of service. So, while you may prefer flowers and chocolates, your dog may like a good petting session followed by a hearty meal.

Additionally, Dr. Adams says that if your dog loves another dog, they may engage in the following activities together.

Tail-wagging. Does your move at a mile-a-minute when they’re with their friends? If so, it’s safe to  in their companion’s company.
Playing together. Your dogs may bond by, like tug of war or good old-fashioned roughhousing.
Physical touch. You might enjoy cuddling up on the couch with your sweetheart during an evening in. Dr. Adams says that  with other dogs they love, too!
Hanging out together. Sometimes, your dog wants to spend time with their fellow dogs at  or on a private playdate. Think of it as going over to a friend’s house just to hang out.

How Do Dogs Fall In Love With Other Dogs?

Once you recognize the signs of puppy love, it’s time to figure out the how. But how does your dog choose the object of their affection?

Dr. Adams says that dogs are more likely to bond with other dogs that have similar personalities, play styles, and energy levels. Similar-aged dogs may also be more likely to get along since a young puppy may not understand an older dog’s body language – especially their cues to knock it off.

In other words, opposites don’t attract in puppy love. Instead, Dr. Adams explains that dogs who can understand their fellow pup’s wants and needs have a better chance of growing closer.

Do dogs of the same breed fall in love easier?

Yes! Dr. Adams says that dogs of the same breed may have an easier time bonding since they might have similar play styles and body language. For instance, she says that her pet  sometimes have a hard time socializing with sporting breeds and who love to play wild. Instead, her dogs naturally click with other Border Collies since they have similar personalities.

Dogs hugging and playing with each other

iStock/Nicolas Jooris-Ancion

How To Foster Healthy Relationships Between Dogs

What if your dog wants to share the love with another dog who doesn’t return the feeling — like a new puppy and a grumpy older dog? In this case, Dr. Adams suggests a proper introduction to get them started on the right foot.

Ways to include:

Meeting outside on neutral ground like the park, instead of in the house or yard.
Keeping both dogs on a leash for better control.
Ensuring you have enough resources for both dogs, like, toys, and beds, so no one has to share.
Supervising play sessions. If one dog wants to keep playing after the other taps out, Dr. Adams suggests stepping in to redirect the more playful dog.

Additionally, Dr. Adams says you can encourage affection between dogs by ensuring they always have positive experiences together.

For example, try taking them out together for an activity they’ll both enjoy – like bringing your water-loving breeds to the lake or giving your a ride in a shopping cart through the pet store. Arranging doggie dates like these can be a fantastic way to help your best friends get along and make memories with your pups.


Your dog won’t necessarily want to take a date out for spaghetti, like in Lady & The Tramp. But they can absolutely love their siblings, playmates, and other doggie friends. If your dog loves another dog, you may notice them initiating play, physical contact, or just hanging out and enjoying each other’s company.

Of course, your dog’s affection isn’t only limited to fellow dogs. Your dog can through their , tail-wags, warm greetings, cuddles, and more. Make sure you return the favor and  right back!

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