Why Dogs Eat Vomit And Tips To Break The Habit

If you have a dog, you’ve likely been pulled from a sound sleep a time or two by the retching sound that means they’re vomiting somewhere in the house. But when you finally drag yourself out of bed to clean up the barf, the pile has magically disappeared. The only sign remaining: your dog steadily licking a damp spot on the floor.

As bizarre and gross as it may seem, it’s pretty common for dogs to eat. And while you won’t want to encourage this behavior, it’s usually not harmful for dogs to eat their vomit on occasion, says Irith Bloom, a CPDT-KSA certified professional dog trainer and behavior consultant and owner.

Why Do Dogs Eat Vomit In The First Place?

Partner, says some dogs eat vomit simply because they find it tasty.

“Dogs have a strong sense of smell and are attracted to the scent of their own vomit due to the undigested food particles, which can still be appealing to them,” Dr. Butzer explains.

That’s one reason why your dog might devour their vomit before you have a chance to

They’ll often also eat regurgitated food if they throw it up after eating too fast, Bloom says.

Some dogs are selective about the types of vomit they eat, and not all dogs do eat vomit. Whether your dog eats their vomit may depend on a number factors, including the type of food present in the vomit, its freshness, and their individual preferences, according to Dr. Butzer.

“From a natural perspective, the behavior of eating vomit does have some basis,” she says. It stems from when undomesticated dogs and their wild ancestors had to scavenge for food, including the regurgitated food of other pack members.

However, there’s no biological benefit to eating vomit, and domesticated dogs typically have no need to scavenge for food.

Why Do Dogs Vomit?

Dogs vomit for various reasons, including:

Diet, such as eating foods too high in fats and oils

Vomiting vs. regurgitation

It’s important to recognize the differences between vomiting and regurgitation.

Vomiting is an active effort that involves  paired with nausea. Vomit consists of bile and partially ingested food ejected from the stomach or upper intestine.
Regurgitation is a passive effort that happens shortly after a dog eats. It involves the mouth, throat, or esophagus. The undigested, regurgitated food doesn’t contain bile. Instead, it will typically be covered in mucus and have a tubular shape.

If your dog regurgitates every once in a while, you don’t necessarily need to be concerned.

Eating the regurgitated food won’t harm your dog, but if your dog regurgitates frequently, you may want to talk to your vet. This can point to a health concern, like an 

Certain cues can hint at the causes behind your dog’s vomiting or regurgitation, says Dr. Sabrina Kong, DVM, a veterinary consultant at For instance, if they gobbled down their dinner, it may come as little surprise when they throw it right back up.

Regurgitation that happens often could mean your dog isn’t getting enough nutrients from their food or has other medical issues, Bloom says.

Something more serious could also be going on if your dog:


If you notice any of these signs, it’s a good idea to contact your vet as soon as possible.

Corgi lying on the ground chewing on grass

Why Do Dogs Eat Their Vomit After Eating Grass?

Dr. Kong says dogs often eat grass, which can lead to vomiting.

Dogs may  to induce vomiting and relieve or as part of their natural foraging behavior.

Dogs will eat different types of grass, and many types are . However, if you treat your grass with chemicals or have certain  in your yard, you’ll want to closely supervise your dog outdoors to make sure they don’t eat these plants, Dr. Kong says.

While eating grass and then vomiting is a natural instinct, eating grass may indicate dietary deficiencies or gastrointestinal issues.

If your dog occasionally throws up after eating grass, you generally don’t need to worry. If this happens regularly, your vet can offer more guidance.

What To Do If A Dog Vomits After Ingesting Toxins

“If a dog ingests toxic substances and then vomits, it’s crucial to prevent them from re-ingesting the vomit, as this could compound the poisonous effects,” Dr. Kong says.

Signs of poisoning in dogs include:

Excessive drooling
Difficulty breathing
Twitching or seizures
Pale gums
Unusual behavior, including disorientation, restlessness, agitation

If you suspect your dog may have eaten something toxic or you notice any of the above symptoms, seek 

Why Do Dogs Eat Other Dogs’ Vomit?

Aside from mother dogs regurgitating food for puppies as a part of maternal care, there’s no evidence that supports a social element to eating vomit, Bloom says.

Dr. Butzer says dogs eating other dogs’ vomit may relate to social dynamics as a way to establish dominance or maintain a hierarchy within a group—but this behavior can have some potential health risks.

Dogs may transmit diseases or parasites through vomit, she explains. For example, if the vomit happens because of an infection or other health issue, the dog eating the vomit may get the infection.

In addition, if a dog goes to eat another dog’s vomit, the dog who vomited could potentially consider this a type of food stealing, Bloom says. “This seems especially likely in the case of dogs who tend to  food around other dogs in general.”

Dog sniffing vomit outside in dirt

Why Dogs Shouldn’t Eat Vomit

It’s not a huge cause for concern if your dog eats their own vomit occasionally, especially if the vomiting doesn’t relate to any underlying health issues.

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