The Most Popular Cat and Dog Breeds in Atlanta

And the results are in! Every year we dig into Rover’s database of over a million pet owners to uncover which dog and cat breeds are trending, including the most popular dog and cat breeds in Atlanta and across the country.

While some classic breeds are forever in style, others are just starting to find popularity as what we call trending breeds. These are dogs and cats that saw a boom in 2023, becoming the top trending breeds for their cities. Scroll down to learn if your pet’s breed is among them.

Atlanta’s favorites track close to national trends this year with 9 of the 10 most popular breeds making both the city and the nation’s rankings. With a median age of 33, Atlanta is one of the hottest spots in the nation for millennials. And this vibrant city’s top ten breeds reflect the diverse lifestyles of its residents whether they’re buying a first pad in midtown, or enjoying green space in the lush suburbs.

As you will see, when it comes to dogs, the most common breed is in fact Mixed breeds. According to our nationwide survey, 60% of pet owners across the US have a mixed breed dog , while one in five (19%) specifically sought out a mixed breed dog, or “mutt”.

But our data stretches beyond dogs. We’ve also crunched the numbers to learn what kinds of cats are the most popular, and which breeds are trending this year. We hope you enjoy reading about the breeds as much we enjoyed studying them. As the world’s largest network of dog walkers and pet sitters,  has heard of just about every pet breed and crossbreed there is, but there is always something in here that manages to surprise us.

The Most Popular Dog Breeds in Atlanta

Goldendoodle puppy – (FLICKR)

minant streak coming top of the table in Atlanta closely heeled by the big-hearted Goldendoodle and their cousin Labrador and Golden Retrievers. Also proving their popularity with both city and country were the smaller-sized French Bulldog (“Frenchies” to their fans), Yorkshire Terrier, Dachshund and Shih Tzu. The German Shepherd Dog, meanwhile,  still proved to have enduring appeal with Atlantans with its loyal and steady nature and beautiful appearance.

Trending Breeds in Atlanta
The Top 10 most trending breeds

Basset Hound
Rhodesian Ridgeback

Cheerful young African American man cuddling with his Rhodesian Ridgeback dog on autumn day in the park.

Rhodesian Ridgeback – DjelicS | istock

We crunched the data of Rover’s thousands of users in Atlanta to work out which breeds were most on the rise. Also one of the city’s rarest breeds, the bewhiskered Standard Schnauzer is clearly having a spike in popularity, no doubt thanks to their high spirits (just the right side of wilful) and protective nature. Other enthusiastically active breeds are also on the rise, including the graceful Greyhound and their smaller Italian counterparts, and the excitable English Springer Spaniel.

A wonderfully low-key counterpoint is the Basset Hound. The name ‘basset’ derives from the French meaning ‘low’ , a fitting descriptor for these short-legged hounds. Don’t let appearances fool you though – Basset Hounds are powerfully built with big- dog stamina and an uncanny scenting ability. While out on the trail they have a habit of showing their stubborn streak, but at home they love nothing more than to cuddle up with their human families, and are known to be loyal to a fault.

One of the largest entries, the Rhodesian Ridgeback gained fame in Africa, where they were best known for being skilled trackers. Easily distinguishable by the ridge of hair down their back that grows in the opposite direction, these handsome guardians enjoy the action of a day out just as much as winding down on the couch when it’s done.

Rarest Dog Breeds in Atlanta

West Highland White Terrier
Boykin Spaniel
Standard Schnauzer
Catahoula Cur
American Cocker Spaniel
Staffordshire Bull Terrier
Soft-Coated Wheaten Terrier
Italian Greyhound

Catahoula leopard dog – Eudyptula via iStock

These breeds were least common among our database of pet owners in Atlanta. The most rare was the wiry-haired West Highland White Terrier. Originally from Scotland, ‘Westies’ have been around since the 1500s. A tough little breed, they’ll need steady training early on, but pet parents will be richly rewarded with a lively shadow, happy to merrily follow you anywhere.

Once too popular for their own good, in Atlanta at least, the Dalmatian is currently quite rare. These unmissable spotted coach dogs shot to fame in the late 1950s and early 1960s thanks to the joint work of author Dodie Smith and Walt Disney (then again in the 90s/00s when they worked to escape Glenn Close in a live action remake). Unprepared for such a high-energy addition to the family, many of the Dalmatians bought in the ensuing frenzy were later abandoned. For true fans though, these aloof but loving pets remain the perfect partner for an owner with an energetic lifestyle.

Perhaps the most unusual entry is the Boykin Spaniel. This affable state dog is so beloved in South Carolina that it even has its own day (September 1, if you want to celebrate). Bred to master their native swamps and waterways, the Boykin Spaniel actually has webbed paws and loves to jump in for a swim. While still rare outside their home state, for those in the know these dogs are a lovable, highly trainable and affable choice.

Most Popular Cat Breeds in Atlanta

Domestic Shorthair
American Shorthair
Domestic Longhair
Maine Coon

Atlanta Cat Breed Trends for 2023

American Wirehair
European Shorthair
Scottish Fold

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